Operation Insights



The “Operations Insights” dashboard contains the most important KPI’s. This dashboard reports on:

  • Average matching score
  • Candidate volume
  • Completion rate
  • Completion time
  • Device usage
  • Module specific completion and abandon rates

“Abandoned Rate per Journey Step”

On this tilethe drop-off rate of candidates per module is displayed. We assume that the candidate will not return to finish the flow after 7 days. To be more precise with the “Abandoned Rate per Journey Step” visualization you can set the date filter to show the data not including the last 7 days. In this casemore accurate drop-off rate will be represented as we will not see the candidates from the last 7 days. We will see only the candidates who started the flow 7 days ago and earlier, meaning that more likely they will not return to finish the application and dropped off.


“Vacancy Completion Rate by Journey Step”

This tile is only relevant when filtering the dashboard for just one vacancy. On this tile we show, per journey step, the number of candidates that completed that journey step and the number of candidates that never completed that journey step.

The logic behind the numbers in this graph is that “Completed Candidates” have completed every journey step. “Uncompleted Candidates” have a 'last seen module', the module that istheir current journey step. The number of “Uncompleted Candidates” per journey step determines the amount of Abandons.

Important: It is possible that a candidate never completes certain journey steps, because e.g., they were automatically rejected by a strong showstopper question and cannot therefore continue the flow.

Context: Auto-Rejected Candidates are candidates that were rejected due to a hard show-stopper question.

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