Sourcing Insights




The goal of this dashboard is to show the volumes of candidates in relation to the sources and see what sources are successful and what are not.

This dashboard reports on:

  • Numbers of candidates by source and over time
  • Matching Scores by Source
  • Device usage by Source
  • Candidate satisfaction by source
  • Source overview by vacancy



Sources must be set in the Vacancy settings (source specific URLs configured) or the integration must send ATS parameters (via URL UTM or via ATS web hook) that contain the word “source” in it, otherwise there will beno data on this dashboard.

Any ATS parameters that include the text source in the ATS parameter name will beautomatically displayed in Sourcing Insights.

Examples: utm_sourcesource_idsource_name



If you would like to report on a single source when using Harver Insights, you should only use the word “source” in the URL once, and make sure it is used for the source that you would like to see in Insights. You can keep other pieces of information in the URL if you would like as long as you use a name that does not contain the word “source” in it. For example:

  • “utm_source” and “source_id” in the same URL might be an issue because both parameters are named “source” and you will see the 2 sources in Insights
  • “utm_source” and “src_id” in the same URL will not be an issue because the word “source” is only used once

A URL full of parameters that will not cause multiple sources on the Sourcing Insights dashboard:


In the example above, only the parameter “utm_source=SourceName” will show up on the Sourcing Insights dashboard because all the other source parameters have a name different from “source”.


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