How do I record my Virtual Interview?


Before you to record the Virtual Interview, please ensure the following:

  • Your camera and microphone are connected and tested to record
  • You have access to a reliable Wi-Fi/internet connection
  • You're using a full screen

Tips to help you record your video interview:

  • Prepare as you would with any other interview
  • Be aware of the time you have to respond. It is recommended to prepare your responses ahead of time
  • Try to look directly into the lens of the camera
  • Use the microphone on your headset for better sound quality
  • Be yourself!
  • If you are having trouble with your desktop or laptop, you can try using your smartphone for this portion of your application. When using your phone, please be sure to download the Google Chrome application. Be sure to *copy and paste* the application link into the browser application. Please note, if you are using an iPhone 5 or a phone with a similar sized screen, you will be unable to complete the application via a mobile device.

If you receive a message that access to your camera has been forbidden, you will need to allow the application to use your microphone and camera in your security settings. See the examples below for how you can enable camera and microphone access for various browsers.


Update your browser security settings 

Google Chrome








*Please note: If you receive an error while recording your video interview, you will need to refresh the page and start from the beginning.

Additional Troubleshooting:

If you have completed the steps above but still cannot record recording the Virtual Interview we suggest also double-checking the following:

- Attempt to locate/use a different or more updated computer using only the Chrome browser with the most updated version.

- Use your phone to record by downloading the Google Chrome browser app. After downloading the app, please copy and paste the link you have used to log into the application into the Chrome browser. Please note, you MUST copy and paste and not just click the link. Copying and pasting will allow the recording to work as it should.

Contact Harver Support

If you have completed the steps above but are still experiencing difficulty recording the Virtual Interview we suggest reaching out to Harver's support team.

Contact by Email


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