Can I cancel my application?


You may cancel your application at several stages during your application.

Do you want to cancel your application before you have finalized it? Currently, you do not have the ability to cancel your application yourself if you are still in progress. Please contact the Harver Support Team, let them know you would like to cancel your application and the Harver team will complete your request. Your account including all your personal data and assessment results will be deleted from our system. 

Do you want to cancel your application after completing it? At the last step of your application process, before submitting it, you could have the ability to cancel your application. If you click on "Cancel Application", your account including all your personal data and test results will be deleted from our system. Note that this will prevent you from applying again as the system has your email address registered as 'cancelled'. 

Do you want to cancel your application after submitting it? You can not cancel your application yourself once you have submitted it. Please contact the Harver Support Team and let them know you would like to cancel your application and they will take care of it. Your account including all your personal data and test results will be deleted from our system. 

Note: if you don't see the below message, no worries, your application has automatically been submitted. You will still have the ability to cancel your application by contacting the Harver Support Team.

The end page where you can decide if you want to submit or cancel your application

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