System Check Troubleshooting


Depending on the requirements of the company that you are applying for, the system checker will run a check on your computer to see if it meets the requirements. It will test things such as Operating systems, Networking speed, and browser versions. You can find general troubleshooting advice below: 

After downloading the system checker, I can’t find it


You can find the system checker within your downloads. Find your downloads by either:

  • Using ‘Finder’ (a smiley face with half blue, half grey)

  • Using the search bar in the top right corner of your screen. Simply search for ‘harver-system-checker’. 

  • Finding the download at the bottom of the internet browser that you are using.

After opening the application, proceed through the steps to install it. 

Once the installation was successful, you can move the installer to the trash. 


You can find the system checker within your downloads. Find your downloads by either:

  • Using ‘Search’ or ‘Windows Explorer’. Simply search for ‘harver-system-checker.exe’. 

  • Finding the download at the bottom of the internet browser that you are using.

Important: your anti-virus can block the System Checker, in that case, you need to disable it for a few minutes. Don’t forget to re-enable your anti-virus after you finished the application. 

How do I run it?


After you’ve downloaded and installed the application, you can find it by utilizing the Spotlight search function in the upper-right corner of the menu bar (or Command+Spacebar) and typing “Harver System Checker.” It is also located in the Applications folder.


After you’ve downloaded and installed the application, the app should automatically start. If it doesn’t start automatically, search for and open up the System checker app. 

How to complete the System Check 

  1. Copy the code from your browser.

  2. Run the System Checker and paste the code and click ‘Next’.

  3. Wait for the System Checker to run completely and close the application once it has completed.

  4. Go back to your online assessment, and click ‘Yes, continue’.

  5. Once this is confirmed then you can move on to the next section of your assessment. 

My Code was not accepted, what do I do?

Go back to your online assessment and refresh the page. This will generate a new code which you can copy and paste into the System Checker.

The system checker did not run successfully

You can refresh the page you are on and move through the steps one more time. Please ensure that you have a stable internet connection and enough room on your computer to download the application. 

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